Dec 4, 2008

dimag ko shot...


please check my video....

it's a spoof of today's news channels, which are interested in 'annyyy' kind of breaking news....

Jul 23, 2008

CG Arena Excellence Award

my SUV got selected for the gallery of 'CG Arena' in 2D' Category.
click here

Jul 15, 2008 PC games

check out, what gaming guru 'John Carmack' has to say on 'Megatextures'

click here

Jul 1, 2008

beginning of the end....

concept.......made long time back...

May 20, 2008

Check out the article.....

check out what Jeffrey Katzenberg (partner in DreamWorks Animation) has to say on the premiere of "Kung Fu Panda" at Cannes, France.

click here

Apr 29, 2008

tat's d way it shud b....

came across a very good link......

jus chk out..

Apr 17, 2008

My latest creation......Mercedes-Benz..

Here comes my latest artwork.....
I'll be posting my earlier work very soon....

Howz it?????
It is created in Macromedia Flash.....took around a week......4-5 hours daily.....

Feb 21, 2008


We had a session on ‘Personality’ by Neeraj Gaba, our new HR. Initially we had a brief discussion on what really personality is. There were varied thoughts over the word ‘Personality’. Some thought that it is the way person presents himself to others; some thought it to be the built up of a person physically and mentally towards society.

My thought on personality was; it is the way a person behaves talks, thinks and communicates. Majority of us thought that personality is the way a person behaves, in the society for the society. But by the end of the session we all came to conclusion that it is not the society, which determines an individuals personality; but it is a very ‘personal’ aspect of ones self.

Many aspects were covered during the session, which were the key points, helping one, to become a better person.

There are many decisions, which elders take for us, may it be in what stream we should study, what career we should choose or even to whom we should marry; even if these decisions are against our will.

It happens many times in our life, especially at the younger age that we are compared to others, by our parents, partner, neighbors, colleagues or even we sometimes compare our self with others.

There are so many things in life, we unwillingly compromise or sacrifice to respect or be in the relation.

But at the end , when we recall back what all we have done, we find that all the years we have lived were either for the happiness of our parents, kids, partner or for society.

And then comes the question……..

Where am I, in all this? After doing all this, am I really happy? Is this I wanted to do, my whole life?

Your answer will tell you, if you have lived a better life or not. You might have been a better person for others throughout your life, but it is the ‘inner you’, who will tell you the truth about, how your life was lived. Was it based on false pride, showoff, commitments or values or really true to heart and in which ‘you’ believed?

As we discussed, we came across some very important points, which if we try to inculcate in our life, they would lead us towards a happy and successful life. These points would also help us become a better person, revealing our true personality; ‘inside’ as well as ‘outside’.

1. You are ‘UNIQUE’ in this world. No other person can match your brains, talent and art. That means, even you can’t be like some one else. So stop comparing yourself with others, and don’t let anyone do that.

Still if you are fond of comparing……..for a change…….try comparing yourself. Try boosting your skills so that you are better in them.

2. Nothing in this world is right or wrong or even perfect; it is the perspective of every individual at that particular instance, which makes him think so.

So remove that fear, never mind if you do mistakes; but see to it that they are reduced next time.

3. Relations are built on honesty and trust. Don’t do anything you dislike, just to keep the relation. Being true to yourself, will make your relation more strong.

4. Try putting yourself in others shoes. You will start realizing their situation or problems and help becoming, an understanding person.

Giving respect will automatically bring back respect, respect, may it be in form of speech, gestures or behavior.

5. Be a responsible person in your life. Whatever you do in your life, if good happens it’s because of your decisions, if bad happens, it’s because of your decisions.

6. Before taking any major decision in your life, give enough time to think over it.

Trying to do the above things will surely bring out a better person out of you, and live a successful life. Personality, after all is not a superficial thing, which becomes great by wearing expensive cloths and talking hi-fi, but a very ‘personal’ thing to develop upon.
It is the ‘Inner You’ which determines your ‘Outer’ presence. So working over it will definitely bring out an impressive ‘Personality’ out of you.

Thank you Neeraj Gaba, for educating us, with such an important session, showing us a nice approach to success.

Feb 14, 2008

Spreading love………..Celebrating life……….

While the whole world will be exchanging roses and gratitude to the near and dear ones, let us not forget; there are many more people around, who are craving for love and care.
Valentines is special; we can make it more special, by sharing some ‘lovely’ moments, with these special people.
Who are these people?????
That’s up to you to decide…..I personally would like to celebrate the day in orphanage or an old age home, sharing their smiles, playing with them and telling or listening to stories. It is so satisfying to see smile on their faces. I believe those smiles are the real celebrations, bringing us closer to the life, telling the real meaning of life.
Many of us are aware of it and celebrate the day in ‘this’ special manner, I only take the opportunity on this special day, to spread the message to all, who will read this in coming time.
Happy valentines………

Feb 4, 2008

those were the best days......

A person spends most of his time in office or at his work place. No doubt it is so much necessary to excel oneself in professional life as well as to prove one. But I feel , we should also try and balance our personal life at the same time.
You will always be busy in the deadlines, work load, and delivery all the time.
But, don’t you think, you are missing something?
Oh yes……I do…..
I really miss the fun with my friends we used to have once upon a time.
We used to freak around in Camp Area (Pune) during those cold winter nights, and while strolling on the roads, all of a sudden, one of us would come up with a plan to watch the movie at the old theatre there. We used to fill up ourselves with some Chinese food or sandwich and rush for the movie. All of them being eleventh hour plans; I hardly remember having our food properly anytime before going to movies.
We used to go on any of the bridges and have talks for hours, share our days experience, make our minds open in front of every one. Someone or another used to be, the ‘Target’ or ‘Hot Topic’ of our discussions, and we used to get so much involved, forgetting sleep and time.
All that was so much stress relieving; making our hearts lighter, making our friendship stronger, understanding each other so well.
This might be the case, each one of us has experienced in his life, but the only reason to write is; that after a long span of time, yesterday late in the night, me and my pals got along together cherishing old memories and remembering the old days. We all knew that, we need to sleep, for there is office tomorrow, but still…
We always keep on cherishing those fun filled days and say……….
‘Those were the best days of our life………..’